Prof. Dr. Urs GellrichProfessor of Organic Chemistry Phone: +49 711/459-22171 E-mail: Garbenstr. 30, building no. 02.32., 1st basement floor, room 150 Consultation hour: by arrangement, please contact Urs via E-mail |
Urs studied chemistry at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, where he completed his doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Bernhard Breit. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the research group of Prof. David Milstein at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. In 2017, he started his independent research as a Liebig Fellow of the Chemical Industry Fund at the Justus Liebig University Giessen, where he led an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group funded by the German Research Foundation from 2019-2024. In the spring of 2024, Urs completed his habilitation in Giessen and joined the University of Hohenheim, where he has been a full professor of Organic Chemistry since August 2024.
Here you can find Urs' full CV.
His group's research focuses on the computational design and synthesis of novel metal-free systems, in particular frustrated Lewis pairs, for bond activation and catalysis.
Franziska HäberlePhone: +49 711/459-23571 (Mo.-Wed.) | Phone Home Office: +49 173/2634441 (Thurs.+ Fri.) E-mail: Garbenstr. 30, building no. 02.32., 1st basement floor, room 151 Languages spoken: English & Español |
Dr. Amann, RobertScientific staff, Inspector for Waste and Hazardous Substances Phone: +49 711/459-22173 E-mail:
| |
Averdunk, ArthurScientific staff, doctoral student E-mail: | |
Dr. Conrad, JürgenScientific staff, NMR spectroscopy Phone: +49 711/459-22944 or-22963 E-mail: | |
Costa, DiogoScientific staff, doctoral student E-mail: | |
Haspel, TobiasScientific staff, doctoral student E-mail: | |
Klein, IrisChemical technical assistant Phone: +49 711/459-23908 E-mail: | |
Koch, NiklasScientific staff, doctoral student E-mail: | |
Wolf, MarioChemical technical assistant, NMR spectroscopy Phone: +49 711/459-24280 or -22949 E-mail: | |